
This is a blog to share codes and ideas for building robots/aeronautical systems

Wi-Fi: No hardware Installed


My Macbook Pro Late 2011 suddenly started spitting out that says it cannot find Wi-Fi board on my mac. f:id:kandaiwata:20180323154232p:plain

Methods Tested

I tried resetting NVRAM and SMC as mentioned in many websites. It sometimes bring back Wi-Fi, but soon it turns off.

Final Solution

I realized that I had played around with this Wi-Fi board before when I changed the battery or CD-ROM disk on back of my mac. The problem was that one of the part was not touching the mac's "ground".

Normally this silver part is on top of everything while touching the mac's housing. However, mine was underneath the wire, not touching the housing. I guess this was functioning as "Ground". That is why it was not recognized properly f:id:kandaiwata:20180323155418j:plain